Thursday, April 4, 2013

Tired of Tired Men

I am so sick and tired of these men who think it's okay for a woman to pull their weight and take care of them, I mean really?
Don't get me wrong I know their are some good men out there but for the ones who are sweet to the core, you need to man up and show us women the respect we deserve.  Can I get a good Amen!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A virgin to Blogging

I am a creative writer who loves to create but hates to write if that makes any since?  In other words, I am inspired everyday with words to say and thoughts to be heard.  Since this is my first time blogging, I am really looking forward to this new journey and experience.  I am going to take my time to learn how to do this right.  What will the results be, we shall see?