Wednesday, September 11, 2013

5 ways to tell if your Church is Suspect...

1. Money Problems
If your church is always having money problems, then more than likely either your
leadership is not good with money or they are not doing good with the money.
Now in some cases the offerings my come up short from week to week. But for
the most part if churches did not bite off more than they could chew then their
expenses would not be so great in the first place.

2. In Debt
If your church is in debt there are a few reasons for this.  Firstly, some churches
have a high attendance of working class folks who may or may not be able to tithe
on a regular basis.  But for those churches who have an abundance of tithes and
tremendous offerings from week to week, more than likely have a spending problem
or a consumers mentality.  Yes it cost to run a church, but when you build a church
without counting the cost cost!  It ends up costing you more in the long run
when a man builds a church for his ego rather than for the edification of the body.
The word tells us to owe no man nothing but the debt of love, this includes the church.
So even though the banks offer money, the church should consider raising money
before they build a church so that they may stand a chance of building a debt free facility.
How can leadership expect the churches congregants to be goods stewards and live a
debt free life if the church is not being a good steward and has a ton of debt?

3. False Imagery
Now this one is my favorite!  This is when the church works harder at branding their
name than they do the name of Jesus.  While the church is steady spending time branding
themselves they forget that the church does not save but Jesus does.  Before anyone
can fully commit to church they most fully commit to God.  Here's why I say that.
There are a lot of devoted, faithful church goers that are uncommitted to God.  These
people use the pulpit as their own personal stage for their own live show from the
pastor on down.  These church people prostitute the gifts and talents of others for
their own personal gain and benefit. Watch out for them because they are smoother
than the common pick pocket-er.  Before you know it you have been got and you
didn't even realize that you were being robbed!  Don't get me wrong branding is
great to attract people to church, however when branding your church and it's
pastor and first lady takes precedence over branding the kingdom of God and
all of its benefits and splendor, than this becomes a problem.

4. Co-dependence
Any time a church leads you to believe that you can and will not make it without
them is called codependency and it is a form of witchcraft and divination.  They
are thirsty and trying to get you to stay with their church until Jesus returns so
that you can pay for all the unnecessary debt that they have accrued through
their careless spending and egotistical endeavors.  They want to make you
think that you will not reach your destiny without them.  I just received a vision
in my head about when God raises you up; the people that tried to hold you
down are going to wonder how on earth did you surpass them and what the
hick is going on?  Well you can just tell them that you went straight to the King
and bypassed all of the buffoonery of church and its politics...  I have heard
with my own ears a pastor make reference to a person dying because they left
his church?  But the sad part about all of this is that people fill the pews  week
after week being crammed with an Ike Turner mentality "you anit go be nothing
without me lil Ann"
If someone told me that I could not make it without them I would leave just to
prove them wrong and to show my God strong!

5. Pacifying the People
This happens when a preacher dares not to tell the truth to his congregants about
themselves for fear that they will be offended and leave.  On one hand I can see it
being hard to tell people what they don’t want to hear but need to hear, but on the
other hand only the truth will make us free.  One thing I want to give credit to pastors
is that it cannot be easy engaging people from week to week with the hope of their
continued support.  However, the gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be compromised for
crowds, money or fame.  We must tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth despite
of the trails that come along with pastoring a church.  I have seen pastors flourish and
at the best one week and the next week disparate and seemly worried?  But this would
not even be they case if they would follow God’s plan instead of their own plan. 

Lastly, I would like to say to those of you reading this blog or any other blog that I
have written; I am not against the church.  And by all means I honor and respect the
men and women of God who fearlessly go before his people week after week declaring
the good news.  I am just tires of seeing people some people who attend weekly church s
services weighed down, depressed and broke when they should be overjoyed and prosperous.
This happens when people are so selfish to only want to see their dreams come to pass,
and then they become successful while caring less about what you want to do. These
selfish beings also ride on the wings of those who support them thinking that in return
they too may be supported, but if their greed is not satisfied the supporters support my
never come.  If you are feeling down and confused while attending church, there may
be a good reason why…stay tuned for the next blog and I will tell you!

Apostle Magdalene

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