Monday, November 4, 2013

His House


Often times in the body of Christ we get Gods house confused with our own house.  God’s house is not ours but His, it and everything in it belongs to Him.  Today’s church leaders act as if they themselves own the church. When in fact the church is owned by a body of believers. Church leadership has to insure the banks that they have a constant amount of faithful members in order to secure loans in the churches name.  Therefore we the people own the church.  But why is it that we own no stocks or assets?  Let me ask you a question when is the last time you got a check from church?  Other than paid staff you are used to giving much to the church but not used to receiving much from the church.  I am not talking about blessings.  I am talking about the church giving back to its own in tangible rewards which would not be such a bad idea.  For ex.  Church’s given seed money to small business start-ups or down payments to first time homeowners.  Instead of doing this we a preached to week after week as to what God is going to do for us.  But I think it is high time the church did something for us as well.  Help us to walk in our destiny and not just preach to us about it.  
Church leaders know what to do but it is a form of end time slavery when a church leader refuses to share the knowledge that he or she has with the people that follow him.  Any church leader is knowledgeable in several areas from being a business owner, to buying real estate, enterprising, sales and marketing, writing books and even how to get into the entertainment industry.  So you would think that weekly bible studies would be geared toward equipping people with these tools instead of the old peter walked on the water and so can you motivational teachings that only inspire you but do not educate or equip you.  
Sunday after Sunday should not only be a weekly celebration of what God has done but people should also be flourishing in the anointing beyond a Sunday morning experience.  Why is it that this info is seemly for some but not for all?  Why do certain members of the church flourish when others who are faithful still seem to fall by the waste side?  Well I will tell you, I have been in many private leadership meetings and have served in  almost every ministry I've attended the elite in ministry and not everyone that preaches a word of deliverance actually wants you delivered.  Why should they?  I mean if you actually began to walk in your call then they may lose a church member, a tither, and there numbers may go down. So why would they actually teach you anything with substance?  What a selfish way of thinking. 
 When you help one person to reach their destiny God is well able you to send you more people to fill your pews and to cover the churches weekly expenses don't you dare even worry about that.  Many people are called to pastor but how many churchs do you know that have training on "how to start a church" for those members called to lead?  I am sure some do but we never get the real deal only bits and pieces kin dove like bait.  We get just enough to keep us coming back for more but not enough to sustain us and take us to the place we God would have us to be.  We need more church leaders who will raise up to teach and instruct Gods people to a bounty plentiful life in HIM in His house and in the world.
Apostle Magdalene

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