Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Don't be greedy...

Contrary to popular belief not every person fits every church.  For anyone that likes to attend church there may be a good fit out there for you and for some they are called to their own ministries.  Many churches will allow people that do not fit their churches vision to join and become active anyway just to generate numbers and revenue.  By doing this, the member is boxed and limited which leads to misery and frustration.  Mean while the church is profiting off of tithes and talents of the faithful member.

This should not be. Instead of allowing people with vision to die up under the pastors vision the church should seek out ways to make sure that faithful members are placed in their area of anointing and expertise. For example, instead of throwing all of the musical people in the choir why not find ways for them to flourish in music and in business.  The reason I say this is because most pastors are not just preachers but they are business men also.  Therefore they have what it takes to teach people who are gifted how to earn a living doing ministry just like they do.  The pastor sure does a good job making a living from preaching and other God given gifts that he or she has.  So why is it so hard to pass the type of wealth of knowledge down to your ever so trusting church members?

Why?  Because they are greedy that's why!  If they told you how to do what they do some may think that you will become their competition.  So instead of educating you, they hold you captive to there false hopes and empty promises just long enough to suck the very life and purpose out of you so that when they are done you feel handicap to your vision and assignment.

I know these days you hear about the church empowering people? But at the end of the day that ends up being a load of crap as well. Once again they build you up only to let you down.

People of God if you are not happy at your church there is a reason why, on the other hand if you are happy being content and not growing and earning a living in you calling then you need a rude awaking just like I had to have. It hit me when I bought my home that everything I do for free I needed to start earning a living doing these things because I have to live just like everybody else.  We are Gods children just like they are but yet they want us to work for free while they rack up off of our giving and free labour.  If I am going to donate my time it is going to be at the homeless shelter or someplace that helps women and children on a daily basis.  I am now also helping ex-convicts to get education and employment.

The moral to the story is don't be fooled  by church people who pretend to be on your side but really they are fishing to keep your interest in their church for their own personal gain.  Now don't get me wrong God is raising up ministries that understand the real Kingdom of God and what it's all about which is winning souls to Christ and taking care of the needy with education and emergency resources.  Let's support these churches and allow God to use us mightily with people who care about us and not just people who want to use us!

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