Monday, December 30, 2013

Not for Individual Sale

This year I would like to leave you all with this thought because I am starting my Empowerment Blogs at the top of the year.  Now that you know what the problems are it's high time for us to fix them instead of just talking about them.  I hope you were educated this year or either affirmed on some things you already new.  Now is the time for us to take Pharaoh and his army down and let arise a Jesus people so that we may be ready for Christ return.  FORWARD, MARCH!

P.S In the new year please subscribe to this blog thanks!

Apostle Magdalene 

Not For Individual Sale

Have you ever bought a prepackaged product of something on the bottom of the individual product it had a label that said "not for individual sale"?     Well one of the reason the company puts that label on there is because there have given the suppler the whole sale price so that they may sale the product to the consumer at retail price.  If the supplier sales the individual product outside of the package for full price than that is considered to be a rip-off and it's also fraud.
Well in the church this happens all the time.  Tithes and offerings are supposed to keep the church functioning which should allow it to equip people to do the work of the lord.
But what ends up happening instead is the tithes and offerings get used to finance the pastors ego instead of the needs of the people.  The people are constantly served regurgitated information and information that was not intended for individual sale.

Let me break that down.  The church should be like school an institution of learning.  One should look to gain enough knowledge in order to be effective in whatever God has called them to do. And upon attending one should expect to graduate with something that they can take to the world and make an impact.
But instead of this happening people in church end up staying in the same place far to long with little to no improvement and as time goes on all the church does is keep up with the charade of foolishness while the people of God lack in productivity.
What sparked this blog was when I seen a church conference itinerary.  The conference was $150.00 yep that right $150!  The price was not as disturbing as the fact that they would be selling information that should be given for FREE at regular church service and not asking people after travel and hotel of course to spend around $500.00 or so.  This is high way robbery at its finest!  

I firmly believe that instead of bible studies being filled with stories of people that lived in another dispensation of time in whom often times we cannot even relate to it should be filled with current day successors who have mastered success in our era.  Not to say that biblical characters cannot be used for examples they can they just need to be pared with current day leaders that God is using.  Bible studies should be theory and practical meaning after knowledge has been given then hands on need be applied which is wisdom.
Sunday mornings should be a celebration and a day of rest while the rest of the week should be application. 

My point is to drive this home that they are far to many faithful people in ministry suffering and waiting on God.  We are to rest in what God has already done.  Therefore if you have homeowners in the church then they should be teaching renters how to buy, business owners teaching aspiring entrepreneurs, wives teaching single women, strong men teaching the young men, the old teaching the young and so on.  But this should come with the package and not for individual sale.

You don't have to charge people to teach them how to be a success in the kingdom of God because that in itself is what church is for.  But the greedy have found a way to capitalize off of peoples hurt, struggles and pain.  When they should be using tithes and offering to manage the churches affairs that relate directly to the needs of the people and not just the needs of egotistical leaders.

Encouragement, motivation, life and business skills and etc. should not be individually sold but should come along with the package that we know as church.

Apostle Magdalene

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