Friday, October 18, 2013

Brain Washed by an Occult

Brain Washed by an Occult

There was a time when church was very much involved in politics and in changing the community.  When I was kid my home church marched and fought for anything thing that they wanted to change or to support.
Now and days things have shifted from being concerned about the better good of the community to being more concerned about who has the biggest church with the most members caring less about the community.
My point is sometimes when I attempt to witness to people the first thing they say is that the church is to controlling more like an occult and that they don't care about their communities.
The community sees what is going on and they know that the church could do more if they didn't focus on building buildings but rather building people.

Anytime you feel afraid or intimidated at church there is something wrong.  Christ came so that He may save the world and not to condemn it.  If you are in a ministry where you are feeling condemned and guilty this may be a sign of an occult like church.
The are many signs but you have to rely on the holy spirit to lead you.  In most cases churches try to control you by putting you back under the law.  Many will fill you with false hopes of restoration and restitution when in fact once you get in involved,  their main focus now shifts from salvation to spiritual lock-down.
It is no longer about keeping you  a part of the body of Christ but about keeping you apart of that particular church.  They use such threats as if you leave this church you could be cursed for disobedience, you could and I quote miss your destiny, or my personal favorite you could miss God!
Don't take this the wrong way but this is the biggest load of crap that I have ever heard.  How can you miss God?  Well I know that my God is too big to miss! 

We are all on our paths and journeys even though we make mistakes along the way. God is still in control no matter what route we take.  I know most of you are familiar with GPS.  Well if you make a wrong turn you will be rerouted but you still will end up at your destination.  I love God so much He is a God of putting us back on the right route rather we get side tracked or not we are still on His GPS system.

So no matter who tells you that a man in a rob or a man in a suit remember God loves you right where you are.  The holy spirit is a gentleman he encourages us but never forces us to do anything.  You have a mind and can think for yourself you don't need anyone guiding your every step and controlling your life.  God gave you the gift of creativity and that is for you to create an environment that He can dwell in and that you can be productive in.

Always remember you  very valuable to God and He has fearfully and wonderfully made you like Him so let him lead and guide you and only let man influence you according to Gods word and your personal conviction.

Apostle Magdalene

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