Saturday, October 5, 2013

5 ways preachers get women to follow them...

Some preachers use vulnerability to play the women congregants.  They know some women are passive so they rule with an iron fist and treat women like little girls to win them over with their fatherly affection.

Vanity or Swag
Some preachers use swag to attract the less confidant women.  The preacher looks and smells really nice so that when he ask the women to give they do so as if they were giving money to their own husbands and the preacher plays on that.  These women might as well be at strip and dales making it rain if their pastor is turned up!

Macho Man
At some point someone told a man that unless he was tough than he is not a man.  Well toughness is alright but I would rather have a bold humble man who can walk away from a fight but if he felt like we were in danger could protect his family by using wisdom.  Some thugs use this Macho Man logic in order to prove to themselves and others that they are strong and have what it takes to be called a man.  But what they don't realize is rather you can fight, steal and kill doesn’t make you a man what lies between your legs does.

Some preachers use intellect to attracted educated women.  The present themselves to be very smart and all-knowing so that educated women or just women who adore a smart man would be attracted to them.

Some men and preachers alike use their bling and things to make themselves feel like men and to attract thirsty and insecure women.  Preachers do this by making themselves appear to be able to take care of them better than their own husbands while men on the street use wealth for power and respect.  Many men would not be sitting in jail right now if they knew that you being able to provide for you families by making and honest living is honorable.  You putting your family aside for your business and career or putting your family in danger for dishonest gain is not honorable.

So ladies if you find yourselves being persuaded by anything other than the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ do yourself a favor and ruuuuuuun!

Apostle Magdalene

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