Saturday, October 26, 2013

Church vs. School

Church vs. School

Church should be like school where as every two to four years people should graduate moving forward into their destiny.  Me personally I have been in church all of my life and I think I have been cheated.  I should have a doctrine in churchology by now but yet it feels like I barely have my associates.

I will never forget setting in church listening to this elder talk about how it felt when he made his first million dollars?  I was like huh?  Are we sitting in the same church listening to the same preacher?  Absolutely!  And if this be the case which it was why was this man able to excel under church leadership while the rest of us were just setting back watching another episode of "How I made a million dollars in the church in today’s economy". This seemed unreal to me.  I knew that I was faithful and I also knew that I gave on a regular basis.  But why was the pastor and his clergy living like Kings and Queens while the rest of us servants live like paupers? I thought did I miss something here? No, I did not.  Why was this man given information, seed money, and guidance that I was not given?  What on God's green earth made him better than me?

It is time out to stop teaching that the way to become rich is to give to the church.  When the way to become rich is to have the right tools and to be a good steward over what God has already given you.  The word says first natural then spirit.  We need to know what to do in the natural to be successful.  Now I am not saying that some churches are not teaching this, but at what cost and are they making sure that people get to the finish line and beyond?  

I heard one preacher say that he had spent over 5 grand to be mentored by another preacher over a three day weekend.  Really?  Now my question is if these men are supposed to be your spiritual sons then why are you pimping them and making a fortune off of them by the way.  Would you charge your natural son 5 grand to spend 3 days in your presence?  I felt so sorry for this pastor.   He was so happy!  But to be honest 3 days and 5 grand later he was not any richer or wiser than he was before that he just fell prey to the system...things like this should not be.
To be continued...

Apostle Magdalene

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