Friday, October 11, 2013

David and the Giant...

The church is the people’s church and not the pastor’s church.  The people are the ones who pay for it.  Not many pastors get a loan in their names to pay for the church but rather in the churches name.  They also have to show a roster of how many members they have and their tithes and offerings.  In most cases if the church pays cash the people have given significant amounts of offerings to pay the church off. 
If this be the case then why are the people not allowed to make any decisions concerning to the church and its operations?  Faithful good standing members should be the churches board to make decisions on the churches behalf.  This is the way it used to be, but now everything must go through the pastor or co-pastor as if they own the church.
The pastors do not own the church the people do.  Once people understand that then their mentality would be different concerning their ministries. Now that not to say that things should not be done in decency and in order, but the people should still have a say.

In the town that you live in, more than likely they have a council.  The people are allowed to make decisions on behalf of that counsel because the people pay taxes for their city to run.  In our country we pay taxes for our country to run and because of that we are able to choose the date of our country even down to chosen our own president!  Nobody just waltz up the podium and say "hey, I want run this country I am the man for the job".  Says who?  No that not the way it works we elect the people that we want to serve us as a country.  This however is not applicable in most church today because the people have allowed dominating leadership to silence their voices only to have them believe that they do not have a say or any power or authority.  There are just weak little lambs that should just follow their leader no matter what no questions ask.  But our weak little lamb mentality has cost us the very thing that God himself gave us and that POWER!  God has not given us the spirit of fear but, POWER!   This brings to mind David who had to face the giant.  Those giants were said to be twice the size of men.  However David looked that giant in the eye knowing that GOD had given him POWER and he didn't let FEAR paralyses him. 

Today if you are in any situation and your voice has been silences not that God has given you vision.  Even if you’re at church under another man’s vision you are there to help build the kingdom of God and not just his vision.  I know you have been told that the leader is the only one with the vision however this is an untruth.  In order for his/her vision that God gave them to come to pass they need you vision are well.  But the vision as a whole is for the kingdom of God not one man of one woman.  It just baffles me when I see the leaders in the house of God just flourishing while the people her serve and give regularly struggling to find the identity and purpose.  While the church sits back watches and say "well if a person can't find their way that’s their problem".

Once the church has taught the word they now believe that it is the people’s responsibility to find their own way.  But I beg the differ, the church should be instrumental in serving people not just in showcasing their gifts and talents but in helping to use their anointing that which God has given us to create wealth and to restore our nation through the arms of the church. When people are only prostitutes for their gifts and talents and are not taught to capitalize on their anointing that they are left like a little lamb weak and defenseless against life.  People of God we must rise to the occasion and take our rightful places in serving God and his people by letting Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Apostle Magdalene

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